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Most Common Mistakes When Designing A Website

Juliette Anderson1447 24-Oct-2018

Most Common Mistakes When Designing A Website

The main aim of web design is to entice your viewers, audiences, and customers to your site. It should also give your viewers the best user experience for them. Hence, it should be a mix of accessible, navigable, and formal, professional kind of website to fulfill the perfect blend of form and function in your site. If you have a hard time doing this job, you may hire someone redesigning your existing website.

However, you need to be very keen on the different mistakes usually encountered when designing a website. This article will help you know what the common web designing mistakes are and you can look at your site if it exhibits any of these mistakes.

Unclear Call-To-Action

Call-to-actions are the posts or buttons that helps the users to know what to do next to be converted as customers. CTAs are most likely to be fulfilled by visitors when you have a well-crafted one. Your first goal is to make it stand out. It should have a different design among the other elements of the page to be easily seen by your visitors. You can change the color that complements your background.

Make also your design consistent to make it very recognizable. You should also create powerful, descriptive, and personalized phrases. Make the statements like an action they can be lured into clicking. Lastly, you should accompany designs and elements that show progress to your viewers.

Not Paying Attention To Analytics

Analytics is one of the crucial factors where you can measure the success of your site. You can see if you have progressed since the start of your site. You should adequately set your analytics up. You can do this by looking at Google Webmaster tools.

Analytics tools can easily give you the information where your site is failing or not performing well. Almost all correctly working sites are always testing their analytics and looking for any bug that can be improved to provide the best experience to their users. This improvement can quickly increase your customers’ retention and loyalty since they know that you are continually making your site a better place for your users.

Poor SEO

Search engine optimization should be observed and monitored in every way. SEO is an investment to get higher rankings on different search engines, so it is essential to create changes for your SEO as early as possible. Various search engine optimization techniques are automatically boosting your site to get higher rankings on search engines. This boosting will get you lots of customers seeing your site and visiting it. Hence, it can translate to higher sales, if you have an excellent website design.

It is essential to keep an eye on different search engine optimization techniques, and there is no other perfect time to incorporate it into your design than now. As said earlier, it is, and investment and results from SEO will not translate in one night. You need to be very patient and trust the process. As long as you are incorporating the right techniques, you will not go wrong with it. More free web resources are available online to help you in optimizing your site.

Lack of Social Engagement

Customers love when they feel that they are valued. Companies can do this by connecting with them through different social media sites. This connection is not any kind of relationship; it should be personalized and tailored to your customers.

There are various social media platforms you can use to engage and interact with them. We have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and many more. Since social media sites are made up of people, it can easily let you talk with your customers. Other than building a good relationship, you can also create a good image for your brand and recognition for your customer support. Another idea you can incorporate is putting social buttons for social sharing, and you can easily pique Google’s attention in ranking you higher in their search engine results pages.

Not Quality Content

Lastly, never forget that the quality of the content you are posting should of high-quality. What will happen to your site that has a good design, but all of the material is low-quality. It should also be given the same importance in executing. Search engines also look at your content when putting you rank on their results pages. If you have a high-quality content set, it will be easier for you to rank up.

You may know if your content is not working through looking at the bounce and click through rate of your visitors. This insight only shows that your content should have the same consideration as designing your website.

Given all of these mistakes that most web designers encounter, you should now have a keen eye for these mistakes and look for these mistakes on your site. If you are experiencing this, it will be easier for you to troubleshoot it. 

Juliette Anderson is an Outreach Community Specialist for an e-commerce fulfillment company that specializes in partnering with online sellers who have an average parcel weight of 5+ pounds or greater. She works hand-in-hand with e-commerce stores to achieve optimal sales for four years already. Her specialty lies in social media marketing and paid promotions.

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